Thursday, August 15, 2013


I did it for JCA:A, and I'll do it for TToNU. The purpose of this Blog is to fill you in on The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki universe, and to keep me somewhat sane as I kinda.... REALLY wanna blab about the plot at times. I suppose, in addition to the companion fic, this will help in clarifying my ideas, and serve as an archive for everything related to that ficlet.

 Here, you will find biographies, occasional posts about the writing process, and perhaps even summaries on upcoming episodes, if you're lucky. I don't expect a whole lot of interaction with this here Blog, but I made it on the off chance that people were truly interested, though it does help me in keeping everything organized, too.

So, for those who have never visited, this website is just a Blog made by a fanfic writer for his work of fiction. TToNU will 'inadvertently' spoil much of the Naruto-verse, up to the recent stuff, anyway. Read at your own risk, and this applies to the main story, the omakes, and, of course, this Blog. By the time I reach the end of the tale, the Naruto series itself might be long since finished. TToNU is a simple AU (Alternate Universe fic), which explores dozens of possibilities that could happen, if the Ame trio followed Jiraiya-sensei home. There won't be OCs if I can help it, though certain characters might have offspring referenced later. And then again, they might not. The point of the AU is to explore the possibilities of established characters and events, and will never be OC-centric. The companion fic that will contain all the omakes shall cover the littler events that the main story barely scratches the surface of, and tries to have fun with some of them.

Well, that's enough introduction for now. Here's the links to the fanfics:

The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki:
The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki: The Omakes:

Biographies to be added soon! And they'll be updated when necessary!


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