Friday, December 13, 2013

Third Shinobi World War (Spoilers!)

Yo, guys. Been a while. I've got break for three weeks now, and I hope to get at least one update to you guys in that timespan.

So, the next chapter will feature the Third Shinobi World War. Despite all the references, not too many events were shown in the canon. The two main events that my chapter will primarily feature are: 1) the final battle between Hanzo and the Sannin and the Ame Orphans, and 2) Team Minato's first mission led by Kakashi. There will be at least two other minor events featured within the chapter, but I'll leave those two as a surprise. Both, while minor, will be pretty crucial in advancing the plot.

At any rate... Let's talk about the major events for a bit.

As far as canon goes, Hanzo was taken down at some unknown point by Nagato after the tragic event that led to Yahiko's death. This is not officially an event of the Third Shinobi World War because of Hanzo's unknown time of death, but I'm making it so for a few reasons, mostly to make the plot as cohesive as possible. I won't go into specifics yet, but someone in particular is going to take the reins as leader of the Hidden Rain Village, and it isn't going to be Nagato, Yahiko, or Konan. Those three have made bonds within the Hidden Leaf, and they aren't going to leave even after liberating their old home. I will say that the person taking over will be in homage to Twilight of the Thunder God by Fenrir of the Shadows, because I feel at least partially responsible for its deletion; I asked Fenrir if it was okay to use the idea of the Ame Orphans returning to the Leaf with Jiraiya, but he/she didn't respond, and shortly after I posted TToNU, Twilight of the Thunder God disappeared; while I didn't have to request permission to use the idea of the Ame Orphans returning to the Leaf with Jiraiya (It's been done before, let's face it), I felt it was a courtesy, since my idea wouldn't be able to take root without the orphans being in the Leaf, and it really was Fenrir that inspired me to use the plot idea. Twilight of the Thunder God was amazing, and it should be remembered. But I digress.
With Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan remaining in the Leaf, this will cause events to continue to warp.
Team Minato's first mission led by Kakashi will go down very differently than it was canonically. Some things will be similar, but it will be fairly different. For starters, Obito does someone a favor that results in him being late enough for Team Minato to miss accepting the mission to destroy Kannabi Bridge, and thus they are forced to go on a different one, while another Uchiha and his team goes out to destroy Kannabi Bridge, resulting in his seeming death, due to events still playing out the same on that mission, just with different people. The mission that Team Minato receives will still have Obito awaken his Sharingan, but he will not die, seemingly or otherwise. Someone else will become Madara's representative, and that will open up a new can of worms in the future...
Team Minato's first mission led by Kakashi will have some bumps in it, but it will otherwise go off without a hitch. No one dies, and Obito still awakens his Sharingan. Obito Uchiha's continued existence within the Leaf will also affect future events, which is why it's considered to be a major event alongside the demise of Hanzo of the Salamander.
Two other mystery events, and I won't spoil those yet. I hope to have Chapter Two up sometime next week. Until next time! ~Yaxon

Friday, August 16, 2013


Started the blog, did up some of the biographies... Now I guess the only thing left to talk about, for now, is the story arc. Well, I'm still working it all out meticulously. Not everything is planned down to the tiniest detail, but I guess that's the fun of writing, ne? Chapter One is proving to be a tougher nut to crack than I thought, but I'm working on it. And, y'know, all the other seven or eight chapters of Arc I. Arc I will encompass all the events between the trio from Rain joining the Leaf to about Naruto graduating from the Academy. Arc II will focus a great deal on Naruto and Team Seven, and will cover the events from Naruto graduating from the Academy through the Chunin Exams. I call that Arc the Chunin Exam Arc, even though it's more than just that.

Alright, let's get down to business and talk Arc I. Because I like spoilers, and want to summarize it a little.


So... Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko have joined the Leaf Village after following their wayward Sensei home. And now they're Genin of the Leaf. How will this change the course of the series? With them in the Leaf, will there even be an Akatsuki bent on capturing all the Tailed Beasts? Well, yes and no. Yes, Akatsuki will still exist. No, it won't be about capturing Tailed Beasts, and no, it won't consist of Zetsu, Tobi, Deidara, Sasori, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Hidan, Itachi, Kisame, Konan, and Pain. Well... it'll still have Konan, Nagato, Yahiko, and, eventually, Itachi and Obito, but the group's not one of Missing Nin. THAT group will be under a different name, and will be led by 'Madara Uchiha', and will have the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist thrown into its ranks. But more on that group later. Akatsuki will be a branch of the Leaf's Military, like the Medical Corp., the Police Force, or the T&I Department. Unlike those other branches, Akatsuki will be completely voluntary, and 'missions' will range from delivering rations to other Hidden Villages, to assisting them in repelling enemy Shinobi. Yahiko runs Akatsuki, and has Nagato and Konan as advisors; Yahiko does still report to the Hokage, and the group is about bringing peace to the world. Of course, the Leaf's generosity isn't always viewed in a good light, and that results in rival Shinobi Villages being wary of the Leaf and preparing for potential war that can come at any time.

Among other changes, Yahiko does not die in this timeline. The Leaf are a big help in finally defeating Hanzo the Salamander in the Third Shinobi World War, and he repays the Leaf and Jiraiya-sensei by still fighting for the Leaf even after the liberation of Rain Country. Yahiko becomes efficient in the art of Kenjutsu, going so far as to rival the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist in the Third Shinobi World War.

Akatsuki's ranks will fluctuate in number over the years; it has a difficult start-up period, but gets more numbers between the Second and Third World Wars. And then after the Third Shinobi World War, its numbers are more moderate. Akatsuki becomes more and more active from the reign of the Fourth Hokage and onward. Anything to prevent another War.

Yahiko and Konan will be in a relationship at least for a time; whether or not that relationship is permanent remains to be seen. 

Nagato and his Rinnegan make a lot of interesting changes for the Leaf. Yes, his power is formidable, and a great asset for the Leaf to have, but it is equally 'troublesome' as well. Nagato's eyes turn many a battle in the Leaf's favor, and that makes the other four Great Nations all the more wary of the Land of Fire. The good news? The Hidden Sand and Waterfall Villages are too fearful to attempt to turn on their ally. The bad news? That makes the Hidden Mist, Stone, and Cloud Villages form an alliance. That makes the two sides balanced, if only just barely. Throw in the group hunting the Tailed Beasts and, well... you have a mess.
Despite all the changes, Madara Uchiha will still be around. And he's going to have a legacy, even if Obito won't be the ones pulling the strings this time around. This time it will be Shisui Uchiha that strives for Project Tsuki no Me, and he'll be leading the Hidden Mist from the shadows long after the Third Shinobi World War has wrapped up. And he'll have a little gang of Missing Nin to hunt for the Jinchuriki for him: Orochimaru, Sasori, Deidara, Kisame, Zabuza and the other Ninja Swordsmen, Haku, Kakuzu, Hidan, Zetsu, and of course, himself. They won't be hunting for a while, however...

This is yet another constant. 'Madara' unleashes the Nine-Tails at Naruto's birth. The attack may go differently with Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan fighting alongside the Leaf, but the end result will remain unchanged: Minato sacrifices himself to save the village. This leads to two things. One, Nagato is now Naruto's caretaker. Two... Nagato Uzumaki is passed the title of Hokage by Minato himself.

With Nagato as leader of the Leaf, this changes history drastically. The 'Uchiha Massacre' never happens, but the purge of Root takes its place. Nagato stops Hinata's kidnapping from escalating to where Hizashi must sacrifice himself for the Clan, but this in turn antagonizes the Hidden Cloud, which makes them more hostile to the Leaf. Nagato strengthens the bond between the Leaf and the Sand, but that irritates the Hidden Stone, making them more cold in relations with the Leaf, which are brittle enough as-is.

Nagato must make some harsh decisions as Hokage, but he does his best to protect the Leaf AND strive for a peaceful world. It's too bad that the rest of the world is too suspicious of all the Leaf's power...

Naruto grows up a lot less lonely, but he still treasures his precious people: Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Rin, Kakashi, Obito, Hiruzen... and those are only the major ones. Thanks to Nagato, Naruto doesn't have trouble making friends in the Academy, but it's still not a perfect childhood; civilians and some Shinobi still treat him as the Nine-Tails. This time though, he has people to support him. Naruto Uzumaki strives to become the next Hokage, and nothing's gonna get in his way, believe it!


And that's Arc I in a nutshell. I didn't spoil EVERYTHING, but I spoiled a fair amount. Hopefully enough to satiate anyone who was curious. I know I haven't updated for almost two months now, but Chapter One's tough. Once that Chapter is over and done with, the other Chapters will come to me easier. Hopefully. Time skips ahead, but not without reason.

Until next time, ja ne!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Biographies: Main Characters I

Just a little note before we start: There will be many, many biographies. These are only just the beginning, and cover the main characters in the main fic thus far. There WILL be other main characters further down the line *hint hint: Naruto*. Yes, Orochimaru has not been mentioned quite yet, but since the rest of Team Hiruzen has been brought up...
At any rate, be sure to check back whenever the fanfic is updated. I will be updating these, as I don't want to spoil TOO much yet... But I'll indulge your curiosities a little, at least. ^^
Nagato Uzumaki
Background: Born in Rain Country during the Second Shinobi World War, Nagato  knows what war is like. War is Hell. Nagato was born to two loving parents, with at least one being an Uzumaki, and for much of his early life, he lived in the outskirts of the Village Hidden in the Rain with them. Unfortunately, it wasn't to last: Leaf Shinobi invaded his family's house one day, mistakenly assumed his parents were Shinobi, and brutally murdered them, only to come to regret their actions upon realizing that his parents were not, in fact, Shinobi. Nagato 'awakened' his Rinnegan that day and avenged his parents' deaths, and from that day forward came to fear his own power.  Unbeknownst to Nagato, his eyes are merely transplants, and initially belonged to Madara Uchiha.
After becoming an orphan, Nagato wandered the countryside for a while, going from house to house to beg for food. Of course, Rain Country was a deprived minor nation, and therefore, Nagato barely got by. He eventually picked up a companion in a small dog that he named Chibi.
One day, Nagato became so starved that he collapsed somewhere, and by some happenstance, encountered Konan, who offered him and Chibi a loaf of bread. Nagato was then brought to a hideout used by Konan and her friend Yahiko, and was soon welcomed to their little group, even if it was seldom reluctantly on Yahiko's part. The three orphans became inseparable, and scavenged for food together. Nagato came to respect Yahiko's dream of creating a world without suffering, and the respect was mutual.
Chibi would later become a casualty after getting caught in the crossfire between Leaf Shinobi and Hanzo the Salamander, and all three orphans mourned the puppy's death.
Sometime later, the orphans would have a fateful encounter with the newly christened Sannin, having received their title from the current ruler of the Village Hidden in the Rain, Hanzo the Salamander. Jiraiya and Tsunade willingly shared their rations with the starving orphans; Orochimaru wished to put the children out of their misery, but his teammates talked him out of the inhumane act. It was at that time that Jiraiya made the fateful decision to stay behind and live with the orphans for a while. It was the least he could do for them. From that day forward, Jiraiya, Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan lived together as a family in Rain Country for three years.
Jiraiya was reluctant to give the children training at first, but then an incident transpired that threatened Yahiko and Nagato, and Nagato's Rinnegan was used in self-defense. Nagato regretted murdering the Shinobi from the Hidden Stone, and yet, Jiraiya assured him that the important thing was that Yahiko was safe, and Nagato was lectured on the 'cycle of hatred' that plagues the world. Jiraiya takes on Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan as students after the incident and its aftermath.
While training under Jiraiya, Nagato became a prodigy, mastering all five basic chakra nature transformations and every single jutsu that Jiraiya taught him at the mere age of ten. It was also discovered he possessed huge amounts of very powerful Chakra, and was adept at Genjutsu. Like Yahiko and Konan, Nagato trained in all three main areas: Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. 
Three years passed by, and Jiraiya deemed Nagato and his friends competent enough to defend themselves. He was initially shocked when Yahiko emotionally declared that was NOT the end of their family, and was reluctant to follow Jiraiya-sensei home at first. However, Yahiko eventually convinced him, and the three pursued their sensei all the way to the Leaf Village. Upon arrival, the three chose to be open about entering the Hidden Village instead of going by the sneaky approach, and were brought before the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. And after proving themselves not to be spies, Nagato, along with Yahiko and Konan, was allowed to take a special Genin Exam that would allow him to become a Genin of the Leaf Village. Nagato passed with flying colors, and was made Genin. He was easily Jonin-material, but due to politics (certain higher-ups were wary and skeptical of Nagato and his friends), he would have to earn future promotions like all other Genin.
Since Jiraiya had a team of his own to look out for, Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan were placed under Tsunade's tutelage. They would eventually become Chunin, and, true to her promise, Tsunade left the village as soon as they achieved that ranking, not wanting anything more to do with the village. Nagato would come to befriend the other Uzumaki in the village, Kushina, and Minato Namikaze by proxy.And the Aburame Clan took a particular shining to him after a few years of settling down in the Leaf Village.
Nagato now lives in the newly constructed Uzumaki Compound with Kushina, and is currently in the process of learning his specific Rinnegan abilities, and is still being mentored by Jiraiya to a degree.
Background: Like Nagato, Konan is a native of Rain Country, and her parents were also killed early on in her life, during the Second Shinobi World War. At some point while she was an orphan, Konan met Yahiko, and the two worked together for survival. Later, she would bring Nagato (and Chibi) into their little group, and the three would become best friends.
She, along with Nagato and Yahiko, encountered the newly christened Sannin sometime after that spectacular battle took place, and was mercifully given food. Before the Sannin were about to take off, Konan made them a thank-you gift: an origami flower. Orochimaru wanted to put the children out of their misery, but Jiraiya and Tsunade talked him out of it, and Jiraiya decided to stay behind for a while and live with her and the boys.
In her training with Jiraiya-sensei, Konan developed Paper Ninjutsu, and has long since then used that as her main weapon. However, like the boys, Konan, too, received training in all three main areas: Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. She was not as skilled in Genjutsu and Taijutsu as Nagato and Yahiko respectively, but she showed some efficiency, and a good intelligence and tactful mind.
Later, when Jiraiya deemed the three competent Shinobi, Konan was the last to be convinced by Yahiko to follow Jiraiya-sensei home. Konan was wary of making such a bold move, and feared political backlash and rejection from the Leaf Village. She reluctantly followed her two best friends, and was later happy to have made the move to the Leaf Village.
Approaching the Leaf Village openly and not sneakily, Konan, Nagato, and Yahiko were brought before the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, and deemed trustworthy after they proved themselves not to be enemy spies. She took a special Genin Exam to join the Leaf's Shinobi forces, and easily qualified for Chunin, if not Special Jonin. However, due to politics (certain higher-ups being wary of the trio), achieved Genin rank only, and stayed that way for a few years, having to earn promotions the normal way.
Konan and her friends were made into a squad under Tsunade, and spent some time under her tutelage. Konan displayed fantastic chakra control, and honed her tactical prowess, gaining respect from the Nara Clan, and the Yamanaka and Akimichi Clans, by proxy. She was made Chunin along with Yahiko and Nagato. Konan can constantly be found in a battle of wits with Shikaku Nara in a game of Shogi, or with the Yamanaka Clan, learning about the native flora, herbs, and medicines. She remains skilled with her unique Paper Ninjutsu, and has even achieved the capability of flight with 'angel wings' consisting of paper.
She and Yahiko are a couple at the present time, and live in a single apartment. However, the relationship may not be permanent...
Background: A native of Rain Country, Yahiko became orphaned at a young age, and eventually met Konan and teamed up with her to survive. Konan would later bring Nagato (and Chibi) into the group, and Yahiko would reluctantly allow them into the group. However, Yahiko changed his tune when Nagato shared his dream of striving for a world without suffering, and the three would become inseparable.
Yahiko would later meet the newly christened Sannin, and would beg for training from them. Orochimaru wanted to put them out of their misery, but Jiraiya and Tsunade talked him down from it, and Jiraiya stayed behind to look after him, Konan, and Nagato for a while. An incident that endangered his and Nagato's life would inspire Jiraiya to take the three under his wing and teach them how to defend themselves. Yahiko promised Nagato that he would repay him for saving his life back when Nagato saved them from the Shinobi from the Hidden Stone.
Under Jiraiya's teaching, Yahiko excelled in Taijutsu, and in Ninjutsu as a close second. He, like Konan and Nagato, trained in all three of the main areas: Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. He is proficient in Water Ninjutsu.
Three years passed, and Jiraiya deemed them competent, leaving them to shape the future of the Hidden Rain. Yahiko, however, would not accept their family falling apart, and he convinced Nagato and Konan to follow Jiraiya-sensei home. Rather than go about it sneakily, Yahiko opted to be open in approaching the Leaf Village, and as a result, the three were brought before the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, where they proved their innocence and were granted citizenship. Yahiko was given a special Genin Exam that earned him a position in the Leaf's military, though, due to politics (certain higher-ups being wary of him and his friends), Yahiko remained a Genin, even though he was easily Chunin, if not Special Jonin quality. He would be placed under Tsunade, who was particularly strict with him. He later achieved Chunin status with Konan and Nagato.
Yahiko bonded well with the Inuzuka and Hyuga Clans, earning an honorary position in the former and affecting the latter to the point where they lightened up considerably in their interactions with the rest of the village. Yahiko is training the art of Kenjutsu, and is a HUGE fan of Sakumo Hatake, after learning of the man's exploits.
When Yahiko's not sparring or simply spending time with Konan, Yahiko can be found running the Leaf Village's newest branch of the military: Akatsuki. Akatsuki is the only branch of the military that's completely voluntary, and helps out other lands without asking for payment in return. It had a difficult start-up period due to the Second Shinobi War taking its toll on the village, but Akatsuki is now thriving.
Yahiko might be in a relationship with Konan now, and he might be living with her, but that could change in the future...
Background: Considered the weakest of Team Sarutobi, Jiraiya had it rough in the beginning. Even as a child, he was a huge pervert, and would constantly flirt with Tsunade. He had a huge rivalry with Orochimaru, too. Early on in his career, Jiraiya juggled his duties as a Shinobi of the Leaf, and his Sage Jutsu training, as a reverse Summoning brought him to Mount Myoboku early on.
During the Second Shinobi World War, Jiraiya fought alongside Tsunade and Orochimaru, and became one of the three Legendary Sannin after an intense battle with Hanzo the Salamander. Shortly after that encounter, Jiraiya and his team met the trio of orphans, fed them, and had initially planned to just leave. However, Jiraiya soon feels compelled to stay behind and look after them for a while.
In his time in Rain, Jiraiya trained the orphans to defend themselves after an incident rose up that endangered Yahiko and Nagato. The three proved to be excellent protégés, and he taught Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan in all three of the main areas: Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. Jiraiya was especially intrigued by Nagato, who he believed to be the Child of Prophecy that the Elder Toad prophesied about.
For three years Jiraiya taught them, and, after deeming them competent, left the three to shape the future in Rain Country. Never in a million years did Jiraiya anticipate that they had become so attached to him that they would follow him home to keep the family together! Nevertheless, Jiraiya accepted this change of plans, and was happy to continue training the three orphans on occasion.
When Jiraiya's not training his team of Genin or being perverted, Jiraiya is helping Nagato in learning his Rinnegan's many different, fascinating abilities, or just spending time with his protégés. His relationship with Tsunade hasn't improved too much, and Orochimaru is becoming more and more withdrawn, though Jiraiya does all he can to keep the Sannin together.
Hiruzen Sarutobi
Background: Known nowadays as the Third Hokage, Hiruzen was born to Sasuke Sarutobi and learned under Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, with his teammates, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. Hiruzen has always been a prodigal Shinobi, and he has more than earned the title of Hokage.
Hiruzen has a friendship/rivalry with Danzo Shimura, and knew Danzo's teammates, Kagami Uchiha and Torifu Akimichi well.
Hiruzen is perplexed when Jiraiya's protégés from Rain come to the Leaf, but he kindly accepts them, allowing them to settle down in the village. He doesn't stop defending them after the fact, however: he stops numerous attempts to evict the trio from Rain, and slowly but surely persuades the Council to side with him on the matter that just won't die.
In the time period between the Second and Third Shinobi World Wars, Hiruzen leads a prosperous village, and settles down with his wife, Biwako. He established the Uzumaki Compound in the memory of the Leaf's once great and powerful ally, and more than happily promoted Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko after a few years of serving the Leaf. He trusts that the next generation implicitly, and looks forward to one day retiring as Hokage...
Tsunade Senju
Background: Granddaughter and grandniece of the First and Second Hokages respectively, Tsunade is now the last of the Senju, and was a proud member of Team Sarutobi. In her early days, she rejected Jiraiya's advances, and trained diligently. She would later become the most effective Medical ninja, and would quarrel indirectly with Chiyo of the Hidden Sand, coming up with antidotes to her potent poisons.
She became one of the three Legendary Sannin after an intense battle with Hanzo the Salamander, and after the battle met the three orphans that Jiraiya would take under his wing. She and Jiraiya talked down Orochimaru from putting the orphans out of their misery, and even became their Sensei in the Leaf, later.
The loss of her brother and lover has grievously wounded Tsunade on a deeply emotional level. After ensuring the trio from Rain became Chunin, she left the village with Shizune Kato, vowing never to return, as the village held too many painful memories. However, she might one day return, when her skills and expertise are required...
Background: A prodigy that perhaps comes once in a generation, Orochimaru was a member of Team Sarutobi. His parents died when he was young, and he became inspired when he found the skin of a White Snake near his parents' graves. Even in childhood, Orochimaru was twisted to a degree, presumably because of the loss of his parents. He strives to master all Jutsu, no matter the cost.
He was christened as one of the Legendary Sannin after an intense battle with Hanzo the Salamander, and it was he that recommended putting the trio of orphans from Rain out of their misery, as he'd seen so many war orphans and pitied the way they normally turned out. He was talked down from killing them by Jiraiya and Tsunade, and he returned home with Tsunade while Jiraiya stayed behind to mentor the three orphans for three years.
When the trio of orphans returned with Jiraiya, Orochimaru wasn't too interested in their supposed prowess. Though he did wish to intensely study the Rinnegan that Nagato possessed...
As of late, Orochimaru has become increasingly withdrawn, greatly worrying his friends, teammates, and Sensei. However, Orochimaru's goal is still to learn and master every Jutsu, and he has resorted to questionable experiments as a means to that end. In the next Shinobi World War, he will apprentice Anko Mitarashi and traverse all over the world, setting up labs and facilities for future experiments...  
Minato Namikaze
Background: A man with somewhat humble beginnings, Minato Namikaze began making a name for himself in the Academy, where he graduated at the age of ten. In the Academy, Minato met Kushina Uzumaki, his future lover and wife. Their relationship was rocky at first, with Kushina thinking him unreliable, but a few years down the line, after saving her life from enemy nin from the Hidden Cloud, that relationship improved.
When Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan came to the village, Minato was among the first to warmly welcome them to the village. He and Nagato hit it off almost instantly, and the two have been brothers in everything but blood ever since. They share the same Sensei, are both hailed as prodigies, and the two spar and train together a lot.
Minato is especially known for his speed and sealing abilities. In the coming war, he will develop the Flying Thunder God Technique and Rasengan and earn much acclaim, even going so far as to earn a flee-on-sight ranking. He can already Summon Toads, Currently, he is a rising star, and will make Jonin soon. 

Kushina Uzumaki
Background: Born into the prestigious Uzumaki Clan in the Land of Whirlpools, Kushina was taken to the Leaf Village at a young age to succeed Mito Uzumaki as Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. Since coming to the Leaf, Kushina has been teased and scorned. In the Academy, she gained a reputation as the Red Hot Habanero, and not just because of her hair. Her first impressions of her future wife and lover, Minato Namikaze, left a lot to be desired. But after being rescued from Hidden Cloud nin that sought to steal her away, she began to fall in love with him.
Since Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan moved to the Leaf Village, she has been moved into the new Uzumaki Clan Compound with Nagato, in honor of the fallen Hidden Eddy Village that were once staunch supporters of the Leaf. She got along quite well with Nagato once she learned he was an Uzumaki, too, and she began enthusiastically helping him train, much to the chagrin of Minato and anyone else who personally knew the Red Hot Habanero. She didn't start out as well as Minato, but Kushina is a tough kunoichi in her own right. And like Minato, she is quite adept at Sealing, and in fact passed on some of her knowledge to him.
Kushina will become a hero in the Third Great Ninja War, even if it's not to the extent of Minato, Nagato, or the Sannin. 


I did it for JCA:A, and I'll do it for TToNU. The purpose of this Blog is to fill you in on The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki universe, and to keep me somewhat sane as I kinda.... REALLY wanna blab about the plot at times. I suppose, in addition to the companion fic, this will help in clarifying my ideas, and serve as an archive for everything related to that ficlet.

 Here, you will find biographies, occasional posts about the writing process, and perhaps even summaries on upcoming episodes, if you're lucky. I don't expect a whole lot of interaction with this here Blog, but I made it on the off chance that people were truly interested, though it does help me in keeping everything organized, too.

So, for those who have never visited, this website is just a Blog made by a fanfic writer for his work of fiction. TToNU will 'inadvertently' spoil much of the Naruto-verse, up to the recent stuff, anyway. Read at your own risk, and this applies to the main story, the omakes, and, of course, this Blog. By the time I reach the end of the tale, the Naruto series itself might be long since finished. TToNU is a simple AU (Alternate Universe fic), which explores dozens of possibilities that could happen, if the Ame trio followed Jiraiya-sensei home. There won't be OCs if I can help it, though certain characters might have offspring referenced later. And then again, they might not. The point of the AU is to explore the possibilities of established characters and events, and will never be OC-centric. The companion fic that will contain all the omakes shall cover the littler events that the main story barely scratches the surface of, and tries to have fun with some of them.

Well, that's enough introduction for now. Here's the links to the fanfics:

The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki:
The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki: The Omakes:

Biographies to be added soon! And they'll be updated when necessary!
