Wednesday, May 7, 2014

675 Does Not Change Plot For TToNU

The usual warning to you folks - this will spoil the latest manga chapter, so read ahead at your own risk.

With the revelations of 675, we learn that Madara actually manipulated Obito over to his side by orchestrating Rin's death. I'd speculated about that for the longest time; the event seemed too convenient, but it was never delved into until this point. Turns out that Madara planned for Rin to become the Jinchuriki of the Three-Tails and go ravage the Leaf Village - not the Hidden Mist. He controlled Mist Anbu, and waited for Minato to be away on a mission, thus isolating Rin and Kakashi. Madara's goal was to have Rin killed by the puppet Anbu, thus persuading Obito over to his side, but it still worked out for him when Kakashi actually did the deed. So now we know why Rin couldn't commit suicide herself.

What does this change in the TToNU-verse? Nothing. Nothing in the long term, nothing in the short term. Obito was still the original target, but something occurred that resulted in Obito being spared and a certain someone else taking up the mantle as Madara's successor. There is a reason that the Rin Kidnapping still took place, and a reason that Obito gained the Mangekyo through that incident. I will eventually be writing the omake for that incident, and might even post it as a bonus chapter in the main story. Not right now, as I intend to make weekly updates, but maybe when school starts back up for me in August.
So don't fret if the latest revelations seem to make the events in TToNU's timeline illogical. I'd intended for Madara to be manipulative from the beginning, and had reasons for the Rin Kidnapping playing out the way it did this time around. It's just convenient for me that Kishimoto-sama was kind enough to play along. Haha. ^^
I will post more later! Ja ne!