Monday, September 21, 2015

Training Mini Arc! (SPOILER ALERT!)

* For those of you who would rather read TToNU cold turkey, I suggest you turn away now. Those still here...? Enjoy.*

As has become apparent by now, some things have changed in the rough outline I had about eight months ago. The planned summer chock full of updates never happened, and I've only recently managed to get some updates out again. We're just about done with the C-Rank Arc, and we're edging into a mini arc that takes place before the Chunin Exams. I guess you could say it's the transition from the first C-Ranks to the Chunin Exams; but it won't be a full-blown arc. Hopefully less than five chapters long, but plans can change.

So. Without further ado, here's the scheduled content...

Chapter Eighteen: Stepping Up
The Hokage and the higher-ups receive word of the tragedy that befell Team Ten. Nagato enlists Rin Nohara for the purpose of travelling to the Hidden Sand to save Asuma and Baki, and gives her free reign to recruit who she deems necessary for a successful mission. Of particular note, Kabuto Yakushi is enlisted by Rin on this mission. Obito is given the task of getting everyone there as soon as possible, as time is of the essence. The Clan Heads of the children involved are informed of the situation, and the higher-ups begin arguing over their next course of action with the Hidden Sand; though a large part of their decision will be decided by Asuma's fate.
Meanwhile, Team Eight meets with Sakumo Hatake and deliver the missive in regards to the Chunin Exams.
Teams Seven and Guy return to the village after having rested up and securing their client (Tsuyu) and their prisoner (Yugito). The Genin are dismissed for the time being while Guy and Kakashi give a debriefing - the Genin, meanwhile, gather at a Training Ground at Naruto's insistence. He has something he wants to tell them...
The Fourth Kazekage wallows in regret, though Pakura is there to help him keep a level head. Obito, Rin, Kabuto, and the other medics arrive, and get to work on Baki, Asuma, and Sasuke.....

Chapter Nineteen: The Will of Fire (working title)
For a while, things are touch-and-go with Asuma; with a little less than three days to save his life, Rin has just enough time to isolate the poison and remove it from his body, but she has to do the same with Baki, and eventually Sasuke. That's where Kabuto comes in; while he's less experienced than Rin, Kabuto is still a prodigy in his own right. And he proves that by working on Baki while Rin takes on Asuma's case. By the time Rin saves Asuma and inspects Kabuto's work, she leaves it to him to finish what he started and proceeds to work on Sasuke. In the end, no one dies, and the medics even inspect Gaara for any fatal injuries he might've suffered without realizing.
While Naruto talks to his team and Team Guy about his role as a Jinchuriki, the Nine-Tails recalls some of his chats with the Three-Tails and grudgingly concedes there might be potential in the blond, though the beast very much doubts that potential will pan out. After all, Naruto lost control once before... who's to say he wouldn't do so again...?
In the Land of Rice Fields, Jiraiya crashes the battle between Anko's squad and the Hidden Sound ninja. What few Sound shinobi are left call for a retreat upon recognizing the Sannin. Anko moves to pursue them, but Jiraiya stops her; turns out 'the Land of Rice Fields' went by a new name, and Jiraiya reasoned it was time to return home to sort through the intel that Jiraiya had gathered. As it stood, they were very likely to run into enemies if they chose to overstay their welcome, and there was no telling what nasty surprises Orochimaru had in store for trespassers in the new Land of Sound. Anko grudgingly takes Jiraiya's advice and they depart; but unbeknownst to the group, a certain man had been nearby to overhear them.....
Rasa reports to Nagato about the successful operations, and Nagato assures him the Alliance remains strong, much to the chagrin of Homura and Koharu. Nagato sends out a message to the Raikage about the capture of the Two-Tails' Jinchuriki, and he insists that the Chunin Exams be postponed for three additional weeks. Depending on how the Raikage responded would decide on the Hidden Leaf's next course of action.....
Chapter Twenty: Recuperation and Training
Teams Eight and Ten return to the village with decidedly different mindsets. While Team Eight never suffered an experience like the other rookie teams, they still find themselves inspired to grow strong after hearing of the Hidden Rain's past plights, as well as Sakumo's personal tale. Team Ten, on the other hand, don't simply want to grow stronger; they have this burning need to. Teams Seven and Guy are the happy medium between the two mindsets; they feel they need to improve, and they want to.
Each of the Genin pursue an area to improve on in earnest for the Chunin Exams; the Jonin want each Genin to pick only one area, as they are not quite in a position to pursue multiple disciplines. Yet they are not prohibited from expanding their repertoire through team exercises as well; it is just Genin solo training that has that restriction....
Itachi is assigned Ibiki's previous task of overseeing the First Stage of the Chunin Exams, as Ibiki and Inoichi will have their hands full with Yugito. Konan will oversee the Second Portion, given that it will be set in the Forest of Death. Tenzo would be temporarily be pulled out of the Anbu to oversee the Final Stage. If Nagato didn't feel so uneasy about the Hidden Cloud's potential negative response to Yugito's capture, he would have kept Ibiki, Anko, and Hayate as the examiners. But as things stood with potential backlash, they needed strong examiners on hand in case situations needed to be contained.
Chapter Twenty One: The Chunin Exams Begin!
Time skip. The Raikage appeared to take Yugito's capture in stride, and still sent some Genin to participate in the Exams like many of the other countries. Due to the delay of the exams, there would be a shorter waiting period for the Final Stage, but still enough to warrant some training for the one-on-one matches. Precautions have been taken, and the Leaf Village feels ready for whatever comes their way.......