Monday, August 11, 2014

The Moon's Eye Group Profiles (Spoilers!)

The Immortal Duo
Perhaps one of the most dangerous pairs of shinobi in the world, Kakuzu and Hidan now serve the Moon's Eye Plan and its goals. Kakuzu was enlisted into the group fairly early on, and did not require 'convincing' to remain loyal - as long as Kakuzu is paid, he will serve whatever cause, no matter how unethical or twisted. As for his partner, Hidan, the young man is a member of a cult religion, worshiping Jashin. Hidan did require 'motivation' to join, as well as 'persuasion' for his permanent membership in the Moon's Eye group. He now follows orders religiously, and takes satisfaction in al the killing he gets to do now. Hidan is assigned the Two-Tails for capture, while Kakuzu is assigned the Seven-Tails.


The Swordsman and his Tool
Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist, was among the first to be recruited into the Moon's Eye Group. Like his fellow Swordsmen, Zabuza faithfully serves the Moon's Eye Plan and its goals, and even goes so far as to make use of a kid he encountered early on in his career as a member of the Moon's Eye. A child that devotes his mind and body to protecting Zabuza and carrying out his will. Zabuza craves challenging fights, and loathes missions that are merely about collecting money. He is assigned what is perhaps the most important capture of all - the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Haku is assigned the Three-Tails, originally.

Scientists and Immortality-seekers
Another perfectly matched pair, Orochimaru and Sasori make brilliant multi-taskers. Sasori seeks to make eternal beauty - his vision of Art - as well as become a true puppet. Orochimaru craves immortality and to know all Jutsu, and has established the Hidden Sound Village, an establishment that their Leader has designated as an outpost for the group, as well as a smokescreen, should certain parties attempt researching their group. Sasori is allowed to use anyone or anything in the Hidden Sound, provided that it does not inconvenience his partner and his research into various fields. Orochimaru's main research project is the Impure World Resurrection Technique, and he has made great strides in perfecting it, making meticulous notes as he does so. In addition to being scientists, this duo also serves as the Moon's Eye's main intelligence network managers; Sasori has spies all over the Elemental Nations, and Orochimaru has a few of his own. Some of the spies are so deep undercover they don't even realize that they serve this duo. But when they come to collect information, the spies suddenly remember... Sasori is assigned the capture of the One-Tail, and Orochimaru is assigned the Eight-Tails.

A Destructive, Artful Maelstrom
Like his fellow Swordsmen, Kisame was brought into the Moon's Eye first. But unlike his 'brothers-in-arms', Kisame did not require the Leader's 'persuasion' due to his bloodlust. Though there certainly is more to this shark-man than meets the eye... And then there's his partner, Deidara. Deidara is one of the group's most recent recruits, and he did not come willingly initially. But after a heated battle with Kisame, Deidara seemed to come around and accept that he would be joining the Moon's Eye. The Leader suspected he would need to 'persuade' Deidara to be permanently loyal, yet Kisame vouches for him, and so these two become the only pair in organization to not be mindlessly brainwashed into fulfilling the Moon's Eye Plan's goals. Kisame is assigned the Four-Tails, while Deidara is assigned the Five-Tails to hunt.


The Leaders
Without Nagato to use as a puppet, Madara Uchiha firmly steps up and rules the Moon's Eye group with an iron fist; insubordination will not be tolerated at all. His mysterious partner, Zetsu, serves as another spymaster of the group, and as the go-between when the group is separated and out on missions. These two took over the Hidden Mist singlehandedly, manipulating the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and the minds of shinobi and civilian alike. Of course, there is still talk of rebellion, but for the most part, the Hidden Mist is now ruled by Madara Uchiha - or so he proclaims himself to be - and the hidden village's resources are now at his disposal. Meaning that the Jinchuriki of the Six-Tails reports to him personally; thus his capture will not be an issue. There are many secrets with this duo, and time will tell if some of these secrets are kept from one another as well...