Thursday, June 5, 2014

The True Mastermind (SPOILERS!)

So as all of you manga readers know, stuff has been getting 'interesting' lately. If you don't mind spoilers, feel free to read on ahead; but if you're only an anime-only type of guy/gal, I suggest turning back now.
You've been warned.

So recently, Madara was stabbed in the back (figuratively and literally) by what he (and we) thought was the one subordinate that would never, EVER betray him. Black Zetsu. Some of you may be aggravated at this turn of events; Kishimoto always seems to be changing Zetsu's backstory. But the way I like to think about it, he's been revealing everything in onion layers; and now we're to the innermost layer, what is likely the last 'shocking' revelation with these clones. Everything we've learned about Zetsu has come from Obito, and Madara by proxy. Therefore, if MADARA'S information was wrong, and he was not aware of what Zetsu really were, can we really be too furious with this latest revelation?

I only have my interpretations and speculations to go off of. We'll have to see if there are anymore flashbacks in the chapters to come; but here's my theory on what I think happened. Madara survived his battle with Hashirama at the Valley of the End - let's set aside the debate whether or not someone 'helped' him to survive for now - and awakened the Rinnegan 'near the end of his life', having implanted Hashirama's DNA into himself somehow. Madara summons the Gedo for the first time. Now, even if he had gotten a look at the Uchiha Tablet, do you really think that there would have been information about Kaguya's army on there? The Ten-Tails was the bigger threat, as was Kaguya. If there had been mention of an army of Zetsu, Madara sure disregarded it. Because he must have infused some of that Hashirama DNA into the Gedo and began to make stuff 'grow'. And since these clones could move through the earth and some could use Wood-style (Spiral Zetsu), he assumed he had created clones of his irritating rival - perhaps the Zetsu clones even lied to Madara's face and told him they were clones of Hashirama, when they were in fact leftover clones from the last time Kaguya pulled everyone into the Infinite Tsukoyomi and transformed their bodies.

Obviously there were a lot left over, because Obito was able to harvest 100, 000 clones with the help of some Tailed Beast Chakra.

The point is, Madara messed with something beyond his comprehension. He THOUGHT he knew what he was doing, THOUGHT he was in control, but if Black Zetsu's speech was any indication, Madara had no flippin' idea, and he definitely wasn't the one pulling the strings. Whatever the coming chapters reveal, Madara was manipulated. Masterfully.

So what effect do these latest revelations have on the Tale of Nagato Uzumaki's universe? Since it's ancient history, I can't change that, really. I mean, I could, but then it'd definitely be AU from past to future. I like making the past concrete, though, so Kaguya, her sons, their children, and the Zetsu clones will all have to have happened. What I can do, though, is debate the final battles - whether Kaguya actually resurfaces.

Somewhat mean to write Kaguya off, but on the other hand, we've only started learning about her within the last forty chapters or so - and that's being sort of generous. What will likely happen is that Madara will be the final villain; Black Zetsu will be dealt with before he can take Madara over. That's not written in stone, but it seems like a simple solution. How will I deal with Black Zetsu? Well, I'll leave that to your imaginations. I believe I have a plan for how he'll end up, but that could change depending on the coming final chapters. I could change my mind and make Kaguya the final villain; but for now, I think it would be more appropriate to make that final villain Madara. I honor Kishimoto's decision to end with a strong female villain - the strongest, even. Yet compared to Madara, we've heard so little about her throughout the series that it seems inappropriate somehow. So until further notice, TToNU will build up to Madara's return, and see him as the 'ultimate antagonist', even if I don't care to hype up the Uchiha all that much. Uchiha are strong, but I'm not the biggest fanboy when it comes to them.

Until next time! ~Yaxon