Monday, February 24, 2014

Revamped Teams

Team Seven
 So, very recently I decided to scrap the decision to keep Teams of Naruto's generation the same. One, that's been done before. A lot. Two, I'd only be able to do so much change in certain sections if the Teams remained the same. Three, I haven't seen these combinations of Teams yet on, so I wanted to give them a spin.

The main premise behind the new Team arrangements is to balance the Teams more; sure, specialized Teams are awesome, and I respect them in canon, but again, switching the Teams around so they are still specialized in some way has been done before, too. I haven't read too many fanfics where Naruto is placed on another's Team, and the author simultaneously puts much thought into the other Teams Naruto isn't on; the Team Naruto is on usually makes sense, but the others don't mesh as nicely. Of course, that's just a personal opinion after some observation. I still like many of those aforementioned fanfics.

At any rate. Each Team will have some kind of tracker, someone to restrain the enemy or divert their attention, and a human tank to fill out the third slot. At least. Some are multitaskers on the team, and sometimes the strategies are just more flexible. The new Team Seven led by Kakashi will have Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru, as pictured above - Hinata uses her Byakugan to watch out for enemies, Shikamaru ensnares them with his Shadow techniques, and Naruto (and Hinata) pummel the enemy while they're restrained. Why is Kakashi leading Naruto's Team when he 'should' be leading Sasuke's? Well....... you'll find out. Let's just say that he won't be 'needed' to instruct the Uchiha.

One thing's for sure: With a residential genius, a pride and joy of the Hyuga Clan, and a devious, mad genius, Team Seven will certainly be very..... interesting......

                                                                 Team Eight

Led by Kurenai, Team Eight is composed of Sakura, Shino, and Choji. Shino locates the enemy and drains their Chakra; if Shino needs time, Sakura comes in and casts Genjutsu to confuse and stall the enemy; finally, Choji rolls in after Sakura and Shino have done their jobs, and finishes them off.

Don't underestimate this Team....

Team Ten
That's right! Led by Asuma, Team Ten is composed of Sasuke, Kiba, and Ino. Sasuke Rabid Fangirl #2 got the youngest son of Fugaku on her Team this time. But there are certain reasons everyone's 'favorite' Uchiha isn't so angsty and broody this time. In this Team dynamic, Kiba sniffs out the enemy, Sasuke utilizes Genjutsu to distract them, and Ino uses Mind Transfer Jutsu to incapacitate them long enough for Sasuke and Kiba to take them out. By far one of the most versatile Teams of their generation, Team Ten is proud to brag of their strength...