Saturday, January 4, 2014

Biographies: Main Characters II

Hey, guys. Rather than edit the first post again, I'm just going to start the second list of main characters. Going to play a little catch-up, and also list a future character or two. As always, keep referring back to these from time to time. Information will be added over time. I've still got to edit the first biography post...

Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuga
The Hyuga twins are among the first friends of the orphans from the Rain Village. Raised in the pompous and stuck-up traditions of the Hyuga Clan; it takes them a little time to warm up to the trio, but they eventually do. Yahiko befriends the twins the best, and even gets them to be a little more eccentric when around each other or friends. Yahiko works the same magic on the Hyuga Clan as a whole, and the Leaf Village is grateful for him easing the tensions a little. Hiashi is the next Clan Head, but Yahiko has more than ensured that no love is lost between the brothers. What little resentment Hizashi bears to the Main Branch is directed toward a few elders that are still stuck in the old, arrogant ways, and not toward the Main Branch as a whole because of Yahiko's efforts. Both brothers are on the Akatsuki roster, though Hiashi will have to formerly resign because of all the duties to their Clan after the attack of the Nine-Tails. Recently, Hizashi has had a son with his wife, and Hiashi has similar plans, as his wife is pregnant now.

Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha
Stuck in the ways of the Uchiha, Fugaku can't seem to completely remove his suspicions of the trio from the Rain Village. He has improved in relations with them through the years, but he still distrusts them to some degree. He has allowed a few Uchiha to join up with Akatsuki in order to keep an eye on the trio, though not all joined solely to spy on them. Fugaku married the love his life, Mikoto, and had a prodigal son named Itachi. Itachi became a shinobi at age seven, and became a Chunin at 10. He never came to know Shisui Uchiha because of some extenuating circumstances, but he has come to know Obito, and has bonded fairly well with him, despite Obito being the outcast of the Clan, who doesn't even live amongst the Clan anymore. On Mikoto's insistence, Fugaku and Obito have made strides to make amends, but it hasn't been easy, and they still have a long way to go. Fugaku and Mikoto got along with Minato and Kushina, though only Mikoto has befriended Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato. Now that Nagato is Hokage, Fugaku and Nagato are working together to bridge the gap between themselves and work together.
Choza Akimichi
Choza is now the Clan Head of the Akimichi Clan. Like most Akimichi, Choza is a kindhearted individual with a big appetite. The current Ino-Shika-Cho trio were among the very first friends of the orphans from the Rain Village, and it is because of Choza that the orphans have a variety of places to eat; before Choza came along, restaurant owners were wary of the trio, and would often refuse them service out of paranoia. Now, years later, things have calmed down considerably, and the people are slowly starting to trust the trio from the Hidden Rain. Konan bonded the most with the Ino-Chika-Cho trio. Choza was once a part of Akatsuki, but he has had to resign to attend to his Clan Head Duties, like most of the other Clan Heads. He, Shikaku, and Inoichi are a tremendous help to Nagato, now that he is Hokage. 

Shikaku Nara
By far the laziest Clan Head, Shikaku is a keen strategist and tactician. During the Third War, he fought alongside Choza and Inoichi, and gained a fearsome reputation. He can typically be seen playing Shogi with Konan, and will occasionally reach a draw with her. He also had a hand in helping the trio from the Rain Village settle down and become welcome in the village, though it was 'troublesome', as usual. Now that Nagato is Hokage, he is one of the man's two main strategists, and is settling into the role of a father. He is also one of Nagato's few closest confidants.

Inoichi Yamanaka
Head of the Yamanaka Clan now, Inoichi has joined up with the Torture and Interrogation Unit, and has developed a reputation. His wife runs a flower shop that he also helps run, though his main duties lie with T&I. Inoichi was a main contributor in getting the many shops of the Leaf Village to do business with the trio from the Rain Village. Like Choza and Shikaku, Inoichi has become closest with Konan, and he will occasionally chat casually about the local flora with her.
Shibi Aburame
Quiet and reserved like much of his Clan, Shibi is the Head of the Aburame Clan now, and one of Nagato's closest friends. He is adept at Tracking, and enjoys interacting with insects in peace and solitude. Shibi is a fiercely loyal friend in spite of his quiet nature, and does not like to be forgotten. With Nagato as Hokage now, nothing has changed between the two, and they will still have philosophical chats from time to time, among many other things.

Tsume Inuzuka
Most recent Head of the Inuzuka Clan, Tsume has played a major role in getting the people of the Leaf Village to open up to the trio from the Rain Village. Typically friendly and teasing, Tsume can be intimidating when she wants to be. But she's a loyal, trustworthy friend all the same, like much of her Clan. Tsume is often put on Tracking Teams, and like all the other Clan Heads, has developed a reputation. She has bonded closest with Yahiko, and has plans of starting a family soon.

Sakumo Hatake
White Fang of the Leaf. Superior skill level to that of the Sannin. Sakumo has earned a legendary reputation because of the Second and Third World Wars, but he is also a loving father and husband, though his wife died when Kakashi was very young. Sakumo was among the first acquaintances of the trio from the Rain Village, and he quickly became one of their greatest friends. It is because of this friendship that he is still around. A certain mission went downhill, and Sakumo had the option of saving his comrades or pressing on with the mission; he chose to save his comrades and scrap the mission, and because of it, he was scorned by the village, and was drove to near-suicide. If it hadn't been for Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan, the man would have gone all the way; but because of staying by his side as moral support, Sakumo endured, and he went on to raise Kakashi for a few more years before of his job transfer. It was clear that the scorn of the people still deeply wounded Sakumo, and so the trio from the Rain Village proposed he take over the leadership of the Rain Village, once they had taken out Hanzo. Sakumo was reluctant to step up, but he eventually settled into the role, and became a fine leader. Now the Rain Village has an official pact with the Hidden Leaf, and it isn't so unbelievable that orphans from the Rain Village would choose to settle in the Leaf. Sakumo has a lot on his hands, being in charge of defending his nation's borders on multiple fronts, but he finds himself praised and adored by the citizens of the Rain; he is now their symbol of hope for the future, after the travesty that was Hanzo of the Salamander's reign of terror.    

The Three-Tails. Hashirama Senju had distributed a number of the Tailed Beasts to the other Great Nations, and Isobu was among them. The history of what happened to the Three-Tails after that event remains a mystery, yet the Leaf does know that the Mizukage attempted to capture a Leaf shinobi, transform her into a Jinchuriki, and rig her to release the Three Tails within the Leaf as a last ditch effort to save face in the war. Regrettably for the Hidden Mist, Kakashi Hatake and Obito Uchiha saved the life of their teammate, Rin Nohara, and allowed Jiraiya of the Sannin to fix her seal so that it would not go off once she re-entered the Leaf. Now the Leaf possesses two Jinchuriki. The relationship between Isobu and Rin is a strange one; neither loathes the other, but rather, they feel sorry for putting each other in their current situation, despite it not being their fault. Isobu is fine with Rin using its Chakra, but Rin is reluctant to, because it feels like stealing to her. They have developed a friendship in spite of this, and, like it or not, have become the Leaf's secret weapon. Only the Hidden Mist is aware that the Leaf has a second Jinchuriki now, and they are not happy about it.
The Nine-Tailed fox. Kurama has belonged to the Leaf ever since Hashirama won it from his battle against Madara Uchiha, and has been sealed into humans ever since. It was suddenly released from Kushina Uzumaki due to the efforts of a sinister masked man, but it was sealed not too long after regaining its freedom. Kurama despises humans, and thinks they are all the same. He now inhabits Naruto, and ignores his sibling Tailed Beast for the most part, when Isobu attempts to get him to open up more. Though a small part of him is grateful to have some company, now that he has to endure living inside a small brat.

Obito Uchiha
For as long as he can remember, Obito has always been the black sheep of his Clan. The loser that would never amount up to anything. Obito could never gain the acceptance of his Clan, because he did not awaken the Sharingan like the other Uchiha children. So Obito trained on his own for a while, and (though he would never admit it) developed a rivalry with Kagami Uchiha's son, Shisui, who was in the exact opposite predicament as him; being a prodigy, and becoming a shinobi at a younger age than Obito. Obito eventually came into contact with Konan, who had begun to develop a reputation in the Leaf Village, and the two became inseparable, because Konan felt for him and his status within his Clan. Obito introduced Konan to Rin, and the three of them hit it off splendidly. A certain incident arose, and Obito ended up making his team too late to take the mission to Kannabi Bridge, where he would have become the legacy of Madara Uchiha. The alternate mission taken by Team Minato still awoke Obito's Sharingan, but no one died, in the end. Team Minato's bond was stronger than ever after that mission (they even sorted out their emotions, and Obito managed to get into a relationship with Rin, after giving her some time for them to get to know each other better), though Obito soon discovered after their successful mission that Shisui Uchiha died on the mission that he and his team should have taken, and this sent Obito spiraling into grief for months after that. A year or so later, Kagami died, and bequeathed his Sharingan eyes to Obito, as a gift for consoling him in his final years, and for being a (reluctant) friend of Shisui. Obito ended up offering one of those eyes to Kakashi, after the young Hatake had lost an eye on a mission, and the young prodigy had still become Sharingan Kakashi. Obito and Kakashi saved the life of their teammate soon after that incident; Obito awoke his Mangekyo Sharingan under mysterious circumstances, and Rin had become the Three-Tails Jinchuriki. During the night of the attack of the Nine-Tails, Obito helped evacuate shinobi of his generation or younger to the designated area set for them with Kamui, and then reluctantly stayed the rest of the attack with them, in case the Nine-Tails ever headed their way. He grieved the deaths of his Sensei and his Sensei's soon-to-be-wife, along with Kakashi and Rin, and has now thrown himself into Anbu along with Kakashi, to partly deal with the grief. He has developed a childish personality for his masked self, which has weirded his comrades out. Obito, Rin, and Kakashi help look after Naruto as he grows up.
Rin Nohara
Rin is the peace-keeper of Team Minato. She's known Kakashi and Obito since they registered for the Academy, and she's had the biggest crush on Kakashi for years (not that he realized this). She's gotten along well with Obito, and with Konan when he introduced her. On the alternate mission they received that Kakashi led, she and Obito saved Kakashi's life when he was taken by enemy shinobi, and she was there when Obito awakened his Sharingan. A short time after that mission, she entered a relationship with Obito, after sorting through all their feelings for each other. Later, she was captured by shinobi from the Hidden Mist and turned into a Jinchuriki. She attempted to take her own life when Obito and Kakashi came to save her, but they would not allow her to simply die on them, no matter what the reason. Obito awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan under mysterious circumstances that day, and he and Kakashi wiped out the Mist Anbu pursuing Rin. They got Master Jiraiya to take a look at Rin's Seal, and he adjusted it so that it wouldn't release the Three-Tails when she re-entered the Leaf Village. She's been the Leaf's secret weapon ever since, but she's been a very reluctant Jinchuriki, because she feels terrible about keeping Isobu locked up like he is. Despite this, she and Isobu have developed a unique friendship, and Rin has continued her shinobi career, in addition to becoming a powerful Jinchuriki that can wield her Tailed Beast's power and get along with it. On the night of the Nine-Tails attack, Rin was evacuated with most of her peers and kept safe from the Nine-Tails like everyone else so as to not arouse suspicion, as only a few are aware of her Jinchuriki status. She was grieved when her Sensei and Sensei's soon-to-be-wife perished that night, but she has remained strong, and tried to use her talents in productive ways for the Leaf. Along with Obito and Kakashi, she helps look after Naruto as he grows up. She is now Jonin, and contemplating taking on a team of Genin.

Kakashi Hatake
Kakashi is the son of the White Fang, and has been hailed as such ever since becoming a shinobi at a young age. Despite his father being around, Kakashi has still developed an aloof attitude that easily rubs his teammate, Obito, the wrong way. Kakashi's arrogance grew to new levels when his father took over the leadership in the Rain Village, and the dynamic in Team Minato was rocky for quite a while. Obito was so late for the first mission that he was supposed to lead that someone else came and took the mission to destroy Kannabi Bridge. Kakashi was still able to lead a mission, however, and the team bonded better. Kakashi ended up getting captured, but his teammates saved him, and they still completed the mission with the help of their Sensei. Kakashi was honored that Rin harbored feelings for him, but he did not reciprocate, and he left Obito and Rin to sort through their feelings. Kakashi still gave Obito a hard time even when the boy unlocked the Sharingan, but they became friends all the same. When Rin was captured by shinobi from the Hidden Mist, he and Obito raced to save her, and persuaded her not to go suicide, when she wanted to prevent the Mist from using her as a weapon at all costs. Things were happier for a time after that event; Rin became a second Jinchuriki for the Leaf, Obito unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan, and Kakashi was close to joining Anbu. Not all good things last forever, sadly. The night of the attack of the Nine-Tails, he was evacuated with his peers, and helped to rebuild after things settled down again. Kakashi was grieved when Minato-sensei and Kushina perished that night, and he threw himself into Anbu along with Obito. He continues to be 'Eternal Rivals' with Guy, and has allowed Obito to affect his habits to the point where he is perpetually tardy as well. He, Rin, and Obito help to look after Naruto as he grows up.
Might Guy
The 'Mighty Blue Beast of the Leaf Village', Guy has led a hard, yet rewarding life of hard work and sweat. Mostly sweat. Guy joined the Academy at the same time as Kakashi, Rin, and Obito, and he developed an 'Eternal Rivalry' with the young Hatake at a young age. Though not the brightest young man, Guy has been kept in the know of some of the secrets of Team Minato, such as Rin's Jinchuriki status, and Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan. He was on a team with Ebisu and Genma, and he was evacuated like all his peers when the Nine-Tails attacked. He was there for Kakashi when Minato and Kushina passed away, and he is currently in a contest to see who can get a girlfriend first between him and Kakashi, to try and cheer him up a little (though the thought of Guy getting a girlfriend, marrying her, and reproducing terrifies the crap out of Kakashi). He also is aware of Naruto's lineage because of Kakashi, and has surprisingly kept it a secret, much like he has for Rin's Jinchuriki status and Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan. He might be loud and boisterous at times, but he knows how to keep a secret when it's meaningful. While Genma went on to become a part of Minato's personal guard and Ebisu went on to become a personal instructor to high profile Clan children, Guy has pretty much remained the same; a Taijutsu expert, but not much beyond that.
Masked Man
This mysterious man claims to be Madara Uchiha, and took control of the Nine-Tails when he released it. He has plans to capture all of the Tailed Beasts, and he is not above tricking people into joining his cause to accomplish his goals. The Fourth Hokage gave him a sound thrashing, but he is far from beaten. After his defeat at the hands of the Fourth Hokage, this individual returned to the Hidden Mist to rule it with an iron fist; no Yagura to hide behind, because the Three-Tails now belonged to the Leaf. He is currently forming a group of formidable shinobi that will capture the Tailed Beasts for him. After Nagato unwittingly discovered he could summon the Gedo, this man severed the link between them, and has made it so that he is the only one capable of summoning the Gedo Statue.
Child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, and nephew to Nagato Uzumaki, the Fifth Hokage. Naruto was given a hefty burden at birth, and he has much to do in the future. But he won't be alone, as his Uncle Nagato will not allow that to happen. He is looked after by Kakashi, Rin, Obito, Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato for the most part, though other people of Kakashi, Rin, and Obito's generation chip in, too, occasionally, as does Hiruzen Sarutobi. Because of all the people in his life early on, Jiraiya has kept to maintaining his spy network, even though he is Naruto's godfather.
Fourth Kazekage
The Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village. After the Third mysteriously vanished, and the Sand spent time furtively searching for their strongest leader, resulting in them being the first to lose the Third War, this man stood up as the next leader. His Gold Dust is powerful, and he has two children and another on the way, who he plans to try and make a Jinchuriki. He has willingly joined the Leaf and Hidden Rain in an alliance that proves most beneficial to his village. He is wary of the Fifth Hokage, as the Rinnegan is legendary, but he has not broken the alliance yet. The Fourth Kazekage agreed with his Council to send Pakura as a sacrifice in an attempt to garner support from the Hidden Mist as well, but fortunately for the Hidden Sand, Yahiko was on a mission around those parts, and he saved Pakura's life. At first the Kazekage is irritated with the interference, but Yahiko explains that the Hidden Mist does not intend to ally with anyone associated with the Leaf, that they would've been stabbed in the back, if the Mist even accepted Pakura's sacrifice. The Fourth Kazekage grudgingly gives up on trying to ally with the Mist, and formerly apologizes to Pakura.
Infamous user of the Scorch Style, Pakura was nearly sacrificed in a foolish attempt to ally the Sand with the Mist, in addition to the Leaf. Fortunately for her, Yahiko was in the area on a mission of his own, and he saved Pakura from getting stabbed in the back. Literally. Though wary of the man at first, Yahiko soon proves himself when he safely takes her back to the Hidden Sand, where her leader confesses his and the Council's intentions, and receives a formal apology from him once Yahiko talks the Fourth from attempting anything further with the Hidden Mist. She is distrustful of her village's higher-ups after this debacle, but she improves with time. Yahiko is a huge help, as she and Yahiko get to know each other better through more interaction over the years, and the two even experiment in a relationship, after Konan and Yahiko break up. How the two will maintain the relationship remains a mystery, but they'll figure something out, eventually.