Friday, December 13, 2013

Third Shinobi World War (Spoilers!)

Yo, guys. Been a while. I've got break for three weeks now, and I hope to get at least one update to you guys in that timespan.

So, the next chapter will feature the Third Shinobi World War. Despite all the references, not too many events were shown in the canon. The two main events that my chapter will primarily feature are: 1) the final battle between Hanzo and the Sannin and the Ame Orphans, and 2) Team Minato's first mission led by Kakashi. There will be at least two other minor events featured within the chapter, but I'll leave those two as a surprise. Both, while minor, will be pretty crucial in advancing the plot.

At any rate... Let's talk about the major events for a bit.

As far as canon goes, Hanzo was taken down at some unknown point by Nagato after the tragic event that led to Yahiko's death. This is not officially an event of the Third Shinobi World War because of Hanzo's unknown time of death, but I'm making it so for a few reasons, mostly to make the plot as cohesive as possible. I won't go into specifics yet, but someone in particular is going to take the reins as leader of the Hidden Rain Village, and it isn't going to be Nagato, Yahiko, or Konan. Those three have made bonds within the Hidden Leaf, and they aren't going to leave even after liberating their old home. I will say that the person taking over will be in homage to Twilight of the Thunder God by Fenrir of the Shadows, because I feel at least partially responsible for its deletion; I asked Fenrir if it was okay to use the idea of the Ame Orphans returning to the Leaf with Jiraiya, but he/she didn't respond, and shortly after I posted TToNU, Twilight of the Thunder God disappeared; while I didn't have to request permission to use the idea of the Ame Orphans returning to the Leaf with Jiraiya (It's been done before, let's face it), I felt it was a courtesy, since my idea wouldn't be able to take root without the orphans being in the Leaf, and it really was Fenrir that inspired me to use the plot idea. Twilight of the Thunder God was amazing, and it should be remembered. But I digress.
With Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan remaining in the Leaf, this will cause events to continue to warp.
Team Minato's first mission led by Kakashi will go down very differently than it was canonically. Some things will be similar, but it will be fairly different. For starters, Obito does someone a favor that results in him being late enough for Team Minato to miss accepting the mission to destroy Kannabi Bridge, and thus they are forced to go on a different one, while another Uchiha and his team goes out to destroy Kannabi Bridge, resulting in his seeming death, due to events still playing out the same on that mission, just with different people. The mission that Team Minato receives will still have Obito awaken his Sharingan, but he will not die, seemingly or otherwise. Someone else will become Madara's representative, and that will open up a new can of worms in the future...
Team Minato's first mission led by Kakashi will have some bumps in it, but it will otherwise go off without a hitch. No one dies, and Obito still awakens his Sharingan. Obito Uchiha's continued existence within the Leaf will also affect future events, which is why it's considered to be a major event alongside the demise of Hanzo of the Salamander.
Two other mystery events, and I won't spoil those yet. I hope to have Chapter Two up sometime next week. Until next time! ~Yaxon